Friday, 28 June 2013

A Writer's Bucket List

Upon my many travels through blog databases I cam across the blog Writers Bucket List by Dana Sitar. She has kindly put together a free e-book filled with tips about DIY writing for aspiring writers.

I have decided to take on board a few of the items on her list, to add to my own, and showcase my words on here. 

Although I was going to do most of the stuff in her book anyway, there is something about bucket lists that excite me. I think it is the satisfaction you get when you cross off the items that you have successfully accomplished...yeah, that is definitely it!

I will not share the bucket list here rather, I implore that you go to her website and check it out. It is free so have no fear!

I am excited about this challenge that I have set myself. I can't wait to cross off all the items! 

Yours truly,

Mo x

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