Saturday, 4 January 2014

Push It To The Limit

The last few months of 2013 was terrible for me with regards to the books I managed to read. I still haven't finished Quiet nor have I begun to read Great Expectations. This year I plan to be different. I will finish at least one book a month. It shouldn't be that hard as I love reading and my social life is not vibrant enough to justify why I could not complete this simple task last year.

So, I will publish my thoughts on Quiet this month as well as my thoughts on my book for January. I want my book for January to be a new addition to my ever-growing library as I think it will be a great start to this year. All will be revealed in another post. Great Expectations will be read this year, don't you worry, along with other great classics.

Also, to any book lover out there, I would greatly appreciate any suggestions you may have on books that I just have to read. I really want to expand the genres of books that I read this year. I think the romantic in me has been thoroughly spoilt all these years hehe.

I wish all the best with achieving the goals you have set for yourself this year!

Mo x

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