Sunday, 15 September 2013

Letters: #5


A new Letter will be posted on a Sunday until the end of this series.

Yours truly,

Mo x

Dear Katie,

I have finally gotten your letter!! My parents say they have my best interests at heart but they lie. Life is unbearable over here. If I finish writing this letter and was able to post it to you I would be impressed because I swear I am about to have heat stroke and die of dry skin. I never thought I would miss the gloomy weather in England but I do!! I have just come from washing my uniform. And by washing, I mean hand washing. I have to hang my uniform in my room to dry because the last time I hung my clothes outside they never made it back to my room :(

And another bad thing about this place- the food. The so-called "seniors" i.e. students in classes higher than me eat all the good stuff and leave the dregs for the rest of us. I swear, if I knew this was going to be my punishment for attending that stupid party I would never have gone. 

And Gloria has always been a slut! I cannot believe J is even wasting a breath on that witch! You need to get in there hun. Don't let her steal your man! How did the non-date go anyways??? I need details!!! You know I have no love life or friends to talk to here. I am living vicariously through you. It is sad but true.

Miss you loads babe!
F xx

P.S. I can't say for sure if this is covert status but the letter did not look tampered with which is good enough for me. Send my love to J. Hope he bounces back soon

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