Friday, 13 September 2013

Read It Or Not: he's just not that into you

I cannot accuse everyone on this planet of being that person at least once (but I know that I would be right). You know, the person that makes up this fictitious world where the person they currently have a thing for is madly in love with them but just doesn't know how to display their affections articulately. The person that wills a phone to receive a message from their crush until their eyeballs dry out. The person that ignores their crush at a party or can only talk to their crush when they are a bit... "merry". The person that "mistakenly" dials their object of affection's number to randomly start a conversation. The person that convinces themselves time and time again that the reason why the guy/girl they are in love with has not replied, called, spoken to them, asked them out, acknowledged their existence etc is because their crush is currently undertaking a covert operation where they cannot contact a single soul...except the people he/she really cares about. The person that cries into the night because they have just realised that the dark horse that trotted into their life and stole their heart has given their's to another and will not be lending it to them anytime soon.

That person. 

I have been that person before. It is not fun being that person all day everyday. Sometimes it is. Especially when you have got a wild imagination. But mostly, it is quite painful. But have no fear for this book acts as a portable rehab centre for those lovers that cling onto the last shred of hope that the individual of their dreams will snap out of their slumber and realise what they had know all along. Trust me, after this reading this book most hopefuls will come to the conclusion that:

he's just not that into you.

Although it took me longer than usual to finish this book I thoroughly enjoyed it and hated it at the same time. Why? Because I somehow not only found the problems with the men being discussed in this book so glaringly obvious but I was also able to identify with almost each woman who penned the letters to Greg. Boy, the excuses I have come up with is just more proof that I am more creative than I thought. The book is a compilation of letters from women seeking advice about the men in their lives and they are placed in various Excuse categories. There are also fun workbooks for the readers to do at the end of each chapter. Some are quite silly but they make you giggle and get the point across at the same time.

I read this book on the bus to and from work; at the food court as I munched on my Mc Chicken sandwich; at home before I went to bed; and at the gym. Did I get weird looks from people? Yes. Did I care? Nope. 

I have no idea what I thought I would get out of it but I can tell you this:

 Once I finished the book (well, when I got to the part that says that I should not read anymore if I'm a 1st timer) it hit me.

I deleted a number from my phone and made no copy ;)

The authors are Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo and they were part of the Sex And The City's writing team. I love the way they made it clear who was talking in the book. It was like having a conversation with them. Although Greg was giving insight into the mind of the male species, having Liz's opinion on the matter made the whole book complete somehow. I think you will enjoy it. If you are not up for reading, you could always watch the movie based on it or watch Sex and the City :D

Read it or not, that is your choice.

Yours truly,
Mo x

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