Friday, 27 September 2013

Read It Or Not: Noughts & Crosses

This book is definitely one that will grab hold of your attention as soon as you turn the first page. I have almost missed by stop so many times on the way to work because of it. I am so surprised a movie has not been made about this. It is such a unique story-line. Well, I say unique because I have not come across a book/film with this particular perspective on the history of mankind.

Noughts & Crosses, to me, is about the politics behind differences in skin colour and the delicate intertwining lives of  Noughts and Crosses (i.e. dark-skinned and light-skinned peeps) but with a very interesting twist. Everything and nothing is flipped in this world. Those of you who have read the book will know exactly what I mean. 

Malorie Blackman is a writer with an amazing talent. If I could describe a world I created as well as she does I would be beyond ecstatic. Although, I will not say that I am happy with the way the book ended. I had to read that last chapter 3 times before I accepted that it was not going to change. 

This book is filled with the power struggles within marriages, friendships, communities and, essentially, the heart. And it poses the following question -  If the world started out differently, would anything be any different? I know Noughts & Crosses would probably find itself in the 'Teens' section of a bookstore but I do not believe it is strictly limited to teenagers alone. I may be desperately trying to cling on to my "youth" but I think anyone can relate to the characters in this book. So, for those of you who have not read it before, do not disregard it based on that fact as I fear you may miss out on a pretty awesome book.

Read it or not, that's your choice.

Yours truly,
Mo x

P.S. This book is part of a series which means that the awesomeness does not end here. I will try to get my hands on copies of the other books and share my thoughts on those too :D


  1. Awww I loved this book! I also find it weird that it's in the Teens section, such a great read!

    1. It is isn't it? I might change its location the next time I pay Waterstones a visit :D



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