Sunday, 14 July 2013

Letters: #1


A new Letter will be posted on a Sunday until the end of this series.

Yours truly,

Mo x

Dear mum and dad,

I know you think you are doing the best for me but you are wrong. This is the worst decision you have made in the history of the planet! How could you send me to this place??? I have to resort to archaic modes of communication. Isn't civilization past this? You have completely ruined everything! They have kept me in what seems like an old prison cell and then expect me to then sleep on this ridiculously hard spring bed. Were these put in the brochure?? Did you actual view this place?? Request for your money back! And while you are at it, turn around and pick me up. Please!! I promise I will do better. I will stay out of your way and will never bring the family any shame…again.

Don’t I have a say in any of this? It is my life you are playing with here. The students here are…wild. There was a girl who gave me a look that could have split me in half if looks had powers. Please, let this be a joke. I have learnt my lesson. I want to go home and hang out with my friends. I cannot survive in this place. It is too hot! And the accent is so bad I can hardly understand a word. Please, I cannot spend the next year in this godforsaken country! Nigeria is not my home. Manchester is!

Your daughter in need,


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Yours truly,