Friday, 19 July 2013

Read It Or Not: Ground Zero

Read It Or Not  is another new series I shall start on this blog. This, however, will not be a showcase of my poor attempts at putting my imaginary worlds into words but rather a way for me to express my thoughts on the books I am reading every month.

I will start of with one book a month and see if I pick up pace as the  weeks roll by.

The book for July is The Fault In Our Stars by John Green.

Feel free to join me on this adventure or share your verdict on the books I plan to read or recommend the ones you love.

Yours truly,

Mo x

1 comment:

  1. Ouu sad I missed July but will be looking forward to joining you for August's!



Thanks for leaving a comment. I love being given the chance to interact with you and hear your thoughts :)

Yours truly,