Friday, 26 July 2013

Sources of Inspiration

It is funny how the weirdest things give rise to bursts of ideas of things to write about.

As I already have another blog I have been wondering what the true essence of this blog will be. What would I write about? Would I be able to realistically churn out stories every week/month? Would my imagination be able to keep up with that kind of commitment. 

And then I had a good ol'cup of lemon green tea by Twinings and then  thoughts popped into my head. It's a good thing I have a notebook handy. This space on the interweb goes beyond the daily nothings and somethings that usually pop up in my head. It feels like a space where I can showcase the creativity of the written word and the things that inspire them; be it my own or others.

Again, I don't want to limit the potential of this blog but I have a feeling that this will be the main focus of the blog. I just want to convince myself that I don't have mutiple blog disorder (MBO).

Yours truly,

Mo x

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