Sunday, 4 August 2013

Letters: # 3


A new Letter will be posted on a Sunday until the end of this series.

Yours truly,

Mo x

Dearest Funmi,

I have no idea if this letter will even reach your pretty little hands but I thought I'll give it a go. I can't believe that your parents sent you all the way to NIGERIA because of that liiiiiitle hiccup last week (Hi Mr & Mrs A if you are reading this- soo not impressed with your decision btw). It wasn't even your fault! This place is not the same without you, F. Gloria is already making her move. The slut! She didn't even wait for the dust to settle before she tried to get her dirty little paws on the new guy at school. Poor Jack is still reeling from catching her pantie-handed. Not her finest moment. Although, when has there ever been? lol.

Hope it's not unbearably hot there and that you actually get to enjoy the sun. Tola said it's summer all year round there. It's tippin it down here as usual. I wish I could come visit or that we could at least talk on Skype. Have to say, this is a bit of an ancient way to communicate. 

Come back to me!!!

Luv you,
Kate xxx

P.S. Let me know if this is covert status

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