Sunday, 25 August 2013

Letters: #4


A new Letter will be posted on a Sunday until the end of this series.

Yours truly,

Mo x

Dearest Funmi,

I know this may seem like we are punishing but we are not. We are disciplining you. What you did or did not do is not the issue right now. It was the fact that you were involved in such a crowd. I did not bring you into this world for you to be associating yourself with such people. And your father most certainly did not. Do you want to end up in jail? Because that is where you were heading.
Cornerstone is a good school. Your father and I both went there and we both benefited a lot from it. Forcing you to find other ways of communicating is to teach you not to be come dependent on the internet. In my time we did not have Facebook or Twitter but we still survived. It can be done.
I hope you understand where we are coming from Funmi. I know we have not spoken properly since the event but I want you to know that I love you. I shall be coming to visit you in 3 months after which we'll go to grandma and grandpa's house for Christmas and New Year's.



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Yours truly,