Friday, 9 August 2013

Read It Or Not: 'The Fault In Our Stars' by John Green

John Green. Is. Amazing.


After reading 'The Fault In Our Stars' the thought of being a writer seemed that much more appealing to me. I won't lie, I did feel inadequate to ever share my work/worlds with the world after reading his novel but I quickly banished such thoughts and resumed admiring his work. I am definitely going to buy his other books as I have a sneaky suspicion that I will like them all.

'The Fault In Our Stars' is a book about the life of a girl named Hazel Grace, who unfortunately has cancer, changed after an encounter with a boy named Augustus Waters at a Support Group meeting. One would think that this would be a heartbreakingly sad and morbid book and you are half-right. There are moments in the book where tears will well up in your eyes but that could due to the fragility of life or the beauty of the small moments that rack our ribs with laughter.

I remember feeling slightly inept when I read the book as some statements will go straight over my head. I would read it over and over again until I understood exactly what was deemed funny, beautiful, sad or down right tragic by the characters within this novel because I wanted to be a part of the story that was evolving with each turn of the page. It has now challenged me to step out of my comfort zone and read about a wider range of topics than the ones I am used to and to brush up my vocabulary. Crossword puzzles here I come!

'The Fault In Our Stars' is a great read. I thoroughly enjoyed it and would advise anyone and everyone to read it at least once. The book is woven with quirky banter, heart, emotions and intelligence. 

Read it or not. That's your choice.

Yours truly,

Mo x

P.S Apparently they are making the film adaptation of the book and is rumored to be released in 2014/2015 :O Can't wait to see what they come up with!!!

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